Code practice unit

The ability to send and receive Morse code is a very useful skill to have. It is widely used in radio communications, and being able to send and receive Morse code is one of the requirements for some classes of "ham" radio licenses.

Here is a neat project that lets you practice Morse code. Press S1. The LED 1 and the LED display turn on.

This project is a wired type:

the block A in the schematic diagram is the "sender" and block B is the "receiver".

The two circuits are connected by the two wires. When the voltage of over 0.6V is applied to the base, Q1 turns on and the LED display turns on. What if the voltage is less than 0.6V?

Try changing the value of R2 to 100 kohm. This reduces the Q1 base voltage to less than 0.6V. Now the LED display does not turn on even when you press S1.

You will build a wireless type of the Morse code transmitter later. Meanwhile, try practicing the Morse code with this project. We provided you the chart for Morse code for this purpose. If you are interested in getting a "ham" radio license find books about "ham" radio in your school or public library (they might be listed under "amateur radio").








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