Monopoly Solo variant

Solo Monopoly

Proposed by Romain Dom

Differences with the standard rules

You are not playing against another player but against the Bank. The victory conditions will therefore be slightly different.

You only receive the value shown on the Start space during setup.

The construction of buildings is not done uniformly, you can build 3 Houses, even if another property does not have any, you must still own all the places of the same color group to be able to build a building. However, you can only build on the property where you stop.


• Place the board in the center of the table.
• Shuffle the CHANCE and COMMUNITY CHEST cards and place them on their space on the board.
• You receive the money equivalent to the value indicated on the Start space.
• Place your pawn on the Start square.

Game over

You win the game under the following conditions:

• You have purchased all properties.

• You bankrupt the bank.

You lose the game under the following conditions:

• You cannot pay the Bank the requested amount.

• You cannot pay the fine to get out of Jail.

Your turn


When it's your turn:

1. Roll the two white dice.

2. Move your pawn as many squares as shown on the dice.

3. The square where you land will determine what you have to do. (See “Box type”).

4. If you go through or stop on the Start space, you receive the amount indicated on the space.

5. You can take out a mortgage. (See “Mortgage”).

6. Once the actions have been performed, repeat steps 1 to 5.


Box type

• Property not owned by anyone:

You can buy the property you land on by paying The Bank the price shown on the space on the board.

You will receive in exchange, as proof of your acquisition, a property card that you will place face up in front of you.

If you decide not to buy it, the banker will place a player pawn other than yours on the space of the board, this property now belongs to him.

If the banker has used all the player pawns, nothing happens and you can continue the game.

• Property you own:

If you stop on a property belonging to you, the bank pays you the rent corresponding to the amount indicated on the title deed (See “Rent”).

If the property on which you stop is mortgaged (See "Mortgage"), you do not collect any rent.

You have the possibility to build a building on this property provided you own all the places of the same color group of this one (See "Construction")

• Property belonging to the Bank:

If you stop on property owned by the Bank, you must pay Rent to it. (See “Rent”).
The bank will construct an additional building on this space for free.

• Chance and Community Chest:

You must take the card on top of the corresponding deck, follow the instructions on the card and put it face down on the bottom of the pile.

If you draw a 'You are released from prison' card, you can keep it until you decide to use it or sell it.

• Tax and Taxes box:

If you land on one of these spaces, pay the indicated amount to the Bank.

• Go to Jail:

You are sent to jail if you land on this space or if you draw a 'Go to Jail' card. You must move your pawn to the 'In Prison' space.

Important: you do not touch the money collected on the Start square if you go there.

To get out of prison, you must:

- Pay a fine of 50 Cr, you can then Roll the dice and move your pawn normally.

- Use a 'You are Freed from Prison' card if you have one. Once used, return the card to the bottom of the corresponding pile, roll the dice and move your pawn.

If you cannot pay the fine, you lose the game.


• Simple visit:

If you land on the 'In Prison' space during normal movement, you are on a 'Simple Visit' and do not suffer any penalty.

• Free Park

Nothing happens on this square.


If you stop on property you own, you receive Rent from The Bank, but if you are on property owned by The Bank, you must pay Rent.

The amount of the Rent is indicated on the title deed and varies according to the number of buildings (Houses, Hotel) that it comprises. You do not collect Rent if the property is mortgaged.

• Places

The rent for a bare space (without building) is indicated on the corresponding title deed. This Rent is doubled if the owner owns all the Premises (not mortgaged) of the same color group. If Houses or Hotel are
built on this land, the Rent will be much higher - as indicated on the title deed.

• Station

The Rent depends on the number of Stations you own. The amount for each Station is indicated on the title deed.

• Public Services

To find out the amount of Rent, roll the dice and multiply the result by 4. If you have both spaces, multiply the result by 10!


You can only build on the property you land on.

You must own all Locations of the same color group to be able to buy Houses from The Bank.

1. The price of a House is indicated on the title deed.

2. You can build a maximum of 4 Houses on the same Location.

3. Once you have 4 Houses on a location, you can exchange them for a Hotel.

For this you must pay the amount indicated on the title deed. You can only build one Hotel per Location and you cannot build a House on a Location that already has a Hotel.

Important: you cannot build a House or a Hotel if one of the properties in the same color group is mortgaged.


The Bank will build a House or Hotel for free regardless of having all locations in the same color group.

If there are no Houses or Hotel left, you can wait for Houses to return to the Bank or sell a house from one of your properties so you can buy it once returned to the Bank. The Bank cannot build a House if there are none left.

Sell ​​a building

The buildings (House and Hotel) will be sold to the Bank at half of their value, indicated on the title deed. Hotels will be exchanged for 4 Houses.


If you run out of money to pay off a debt, you can mortgage any of your properties. You must first sell all buildings of properties belonging to the same color group to the Bank.

To mortgage a property, you must then return the title deed to the table and receive the mortgage value shown on the back of the card from the Bank.

You can take out a mortgage by paying the value of the mortgage plus 10% interest.

You can then turn the title deed face up.

You cannot collect rent from mortgaged property.

Game over

In case of victory (Bankruptcy of the Bank or recovery of all property titles), victory points will be awarded. They will correspond to the number of money in your possession.

To count the points:

1. Calculate how much money you have.

2. Calculate the mortgaged values ​​of all your properties.

3. Calculate your Houses and Hotels at half of their value indicated on the corresponding title deeds.

In case of defeat, no points will be awarded since you have gone bankrupt.










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