The 12-Tile Game

As you gain confidence as a player, you may want to inject more fun and excitement into your mah jongg game. One way you can achieve this is to play variations, and a game that offers this is the 12-Tile Game.

The 12-Tile Game is played exactly the same way as the 13-Tile Game except that each player draws 12 tiles instead of 13. Like a wild card in poker, the 13th tile is an invisible (wild) tile, which can be any matching tile a player wishes to designate in his or her winning hand.

This greatly increases the possible winning combinations, but also requires great concentration and quick matching skills.


(1) If the last three tiles in your hand are No. 1, No. 3, and No. 5 Circle tiles, you will have four winning chances:

2) If the last three tiles in your hand are two No. 3s and a No. 6 Circle tiles, you will have six winning chances:

(3) If the last six tiles in your hand are two No. 2s, two No. 3s, No. 4, and No. 5 Circle tiles, you will have six winning chances:

Winning Probabilities (The 12-Tile Game)








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