Cross Board Game


set includes: - a hexagonal board (5, 6 or 7 cells per side depending on skill level).

at least 55 counters of each colour (red and yellow).


The game begins with an empty board. Both players agree on the number of cells per board side:

5: Use the inner white board.

6: Use the inner white board and the gray cells.

7: Use the whole board.

Each player has an allocated color: RED or YELLOW.

Starting with YELLOW, players take turns placing a stone of their color in any empty cell on the board.

On his first move, RED may elect to swap colours (swap option).


The game ends in one of the following cases:

• A player wins a game by connecting three non-adjacent board sides with a chain of their pieces. Yellow wins

• A player loses a game by connecting two opposite board sides with a chain of their pieces (without also connecting three non- adjacent sides).

A player loses a game by connecting two opposite board sides with a chain of their pieces (without also connecting three non- adjacent sides).

Each corner cell belongs to both sides that meet there.

Using more than 55 stones per player is very rare. Only the very best players will fill the board, and they'll know they've reached expert level if they run out of pieces!

 CROSS is similar to Unlur but simplifies it; both players have identical goals and no extended contract phase is required.







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